Fisher, Titans head coach goes through a hard time in his professional career!
"We go through some tough times in this industry and this business. This is one of the tougher days I've endured since I've joined this organization and probably one of the toughest days in my professional career. Just watching the highlights there a moment ago, it's just a very difficult thing to imagine that he's not going to be with us in the future. The only thing we can do now is go back and reflect and appreciate the heart and the soul and the passion that he gave us those eight years."
But as a head coach you'd obviously want Eddie George on your team and it seems it just came to a million bucks. Does that just want to make you want to pull your hair out as a coach?
"It's frustrating. Philosophically speaking it's hard for me to go to a player and ask him to take a pay cut and then ask him to play hard for you, so I stayed out of that. What I tried to do was encourage him and let him know what his future was going to be like here. I very much wanted him to finish up his career as a Titan. We didn't expect his carries or his participation to diminish in our offense this year. We've got a bright young prospect in Chris Brown, who eventually is going to be our future running back. So Eddie was very much part of our plans and he knew that. He was just not satisfied with the compensation package that we can offer him because of the salary-cap limitations. "
I know it's probably tough to talk about Eddie in the past tense, but can you give me one moment that leaps out after eight seasons of being on the sideline with him?
"After our Super Bowl in '99, after the loss, we came back and on Tuesday, Eddie was supposed to hurry out to go to the Pro Bowl and he came by my office and told me that he didn't want to go the Pro Bowl. And I said, "You don't want to go out and be with the best players in the league and enjoy everything associated with the Pro Bowl?" And he said, "No, I don't." And I said, "Why?" And he said, "Because I want to start right here, right now on next year because I want to get back to the Super Bowl." And that's the way he's been. That's the way he approaches every day. That's the way he approaches life and we're surely going to miss him and he's going to miss us also, but he's going to be okay. And I'll say this -- I've never second-guessed a decision that Eddie George has made and I'm not going to second-guess this one. If he feels this is the best decision for Eddie George, then I'm in his corner. I don't agree with it but I'm going to be there behind him. "
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